The photo is taken in Kabul suburbs -2008 |
Sunk deep into an ocean of thought, Afghans are famous to be natural born thinkers. As you can see in this photo, three Afghans who are probably in their 50s have glued their gazes at the patterns of the colorful carpet. The man with a Kandahari hat thinks how drops of ocean have ended up into his cup and turned into tea that would finally goes into his body. He floats deep into a dream of joy because he finally comes into the conclusion that the water has come from ocean, which Afghanistan lacks.
The other person in the middle has stuck his tea cup into his right cheek and wonders how in the heck humans learned to draw such complicated patterns on the carpet underneath him. The third person, on the right, has broadened his look to a horizon which is not usual to Afghans. Afghans do not to have horizon, at all; even the most basic and needed ones; for example, horizon of having peace, live a better life, and hoping a better future for their posterity.
Nevertheless, Afghans are ironically the greatest thinkers and they think extremely deep. When they fall into thinking, they completely forget to take a break. A correct political term for this type of people would be “extremism.” In fact, some Afghans are extremists, especially in fighting. Take the 30 years of war for example; when Afghans start fighting, they do not stop until they exterminate each other, or, someone else interferes and halts them from fighting. They even invented a code to justify their deeds and their desires for killing each other: “Pashtunwali,” the famous Pashtun tribal code of conduct that’s famously themed in the Lone Survivor movie. According to Pashtunwali, you can kill as much as you want, until no one is left to take revenge. If you cannot kill them right away, wait for 100 years and beyond to protract the blood feud to thousands of years.
Afghan thinkers have their own base of reasoning. Their women are not included, however; they rather think women are so meek to be bothered, for their presence in public would be lustfully disastrous. As a result, women in Afghanistan are part of social outcast, like once the Hazaras were.
When it comes to modern thought and philosophy, Afghans are unique. A few centuries ago, Rene Descartes, while in his dark room sipping his bitter coffee went into a deep thought; he struggled to find a valid reason to form the foundation of his philosophy, but he finally postulated this famous statement: “I think, therefore, I am.” This statement to Afghans is worthless. I asked several Afghans about Descartes’s quote, their reaction was: “So, who cares.” Afghans think that they have given birth to God to serve them, and the crux of their philosophy is: “I am an Afghan, therefore, I’m destructive.”
In the words of Thomas Hobbes, Afghans could fall into the category of “brutish.” In the words of Thomas More, Afghans are so incorrigible, and ignorant that thousands of years even pass, Afghans would not be eligible to enter into Utopia. Sadly, More, would even go further on listing the words “Afghan,” and “Afghanistan” as taboo words in Utopia.
Nonetheless, Afghans remain extreme thinkers to this day, and deductively, sadly, some of them are with extreme opinions.